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3 Reasons You Aren’t Leaving Your Job for Something Better

Leaving your job can be hard.

Have you been considering another job opportunity? Or has a particular position or company been pursuing you? You might be feeling some inner stress or tension at the thought of leaving your current work situation. It can be stressful for a multitude of reasons. If you’ve been with a company for years, the thought of doing something different is scary and unknown. Or maybe you’ve got great relationships with your boss or coworkers, and you don’t want to risk losing those. You might also be worried that if you leave now, your company and coworkers could be left in a hard spot replacing you and your workload.

However, there could also be many reasons you’re considering a different job opportunity, things like a higher salary, more responsibilities, a different environment, more health care benefits, or just something different and challenging. No matter your reason for leaving, I applaud those who seek to continually learn and challenge themselves. You should always be seeking out opportunities to better yourself and your circumstances.

I’ll often have people tell me that they’re ready for a new job or a more challenging position, and I recommend they talk to their manager first about responsibilities and challenges. Because of technology and automation, the workforce must be continually adapting and adjusting to the changing economy. Those who aren’t adapting will be left behind, and those who do will always have an opportunity or job.

When considering a new job opportunity, you’ll often confront these three things. Let’s take a look at each and how to overcome them to pursue that career opportunity.

1. Harsh Criticism

Criticism is a natural response from many people when you tell them about leaving your job and pursuing a different opportunity. People may think you’re not being grateful for the opportunity you currently have or may think you’re being selfish for leaving a good job. Your coworkers may feel resentful and or even abandoned. Your supervisor or boss might remind you of the countless hours of training, time, and investment they’ve made in your career.

With so much criticism, it’s easy to feel guilty for leaving your job. When you just wanted encouragement or advice, you got a lot of negativity instead. They may have good intentions, but it can still be discouraging. Always take advice from those that have the results you want. Heed their advice to get their results, but don’t take advice from those who don’t have the results you want. There’s a reason you are considering a different career opportunity. Keep moving forward and stick with your instincts. Your boss, colleagues, and family want the best for you and your career, but no one can make a better decision for your future than you can.

Only you know what you truly want out of this next career opportunity. You know what income level you need for you and your family, what you want to achieve and do with your life, the legacy you want to create and leave behind, and what true success means to you. Therefore, don’t feel guilty for making career decisions that support your needs and your dreams.

2. Fear of Handing in Your Resignation

Handing in your resignation is when it becomes real and it takes effect. So, obviously, it’s normal to feel fearful about taking this step. However, there are ways in which to hand in your resignation and depart with respect, class, and grace. This is what you should work hard to do — from a personal and professional standpoint.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave your job, but there’s a definitely a right and wrong way to go about it. Handing in your resignation without giving a two weeks’ notice is both unprofessional and puts your company and coworkers in an uncomfortable position. Break the news with sensitivity if you value the relationships you’ve made with your boss and coworkers. Additionally, give them plenty of notice, offer to finish projects before you leave, and show that you want to make the transition as seamless, simple, and easy as you can before you leave. Leaving in this way with a gracious and humble departure shows that you truly care about the company and the relationships you’ve cultivated there. In the future, these people could be giving your references one day, so the way you handle this situation and transition could have a large effect on their recommendations and your future.

Believe me, as soon as you resign and announce that you’re pursuing a different opportunity, you will feel a weight lifted off your chest. Many people I’ve known wait until the last possible minute to hand in their resignation because they’re afraid of people’s responses. Releasing the news will bring a sigh of relief.

It’s valid to have concerns and worries about disappointing people or leaving your company and coworkers in a tough spot. But, your bosses and colleagues should understand your reasoning as they too are building their careers. In time, most coworkers will make their departures too as they pursue different career opportunities. Approach your bosses and colleagues with humility and honesty about your decisions, and they should not fault you for doing what’s right for you and your career.

It's easy to feel guilt from leaving your job, especially if it's a good job but don't let it hold you back from pursuing a different career opportunity.

3. Guilt over Leaving a Good Job

When the Great Recession hit in 2007, it was reported that 8.7 million people lost their jobs. Millions of people thought their jobs were secure and safe, and yet found themselves out of a job and rewriting their resumes. In an economy that’s constantly changing, there’s no such thing as a lifetime-employment guarantee anymore. It’s anticipated that millennials will have 11-13 different careers in their lifetime. Because of this, it’s even more important to make sure you’re challenging yourself, practicing your interview skills, and staying sharp in your skills and growing.

In 2009, there was a point where many people claimed the economy was most unstable, and that was when I resigned as CEO of a thriving company in Flint, Michigan to start my own business. Many people thought I was crazy to go from a steady job to a job of complete uncertainty. But, it was at that point, that I realized that job security is no more. I didn’t want to keep playing it safe working in a job I didn’t love.

Those who stay in the traditional 9-to-5 job are not safe. They need to prepare and have multiple streams of income. The best security one can have is to have multiple streams of income. Have a side gig, be a part of the freelancer economy, own your own business. Those who have job security and are successful are those that think different and take some risk. Many times these are entrepreneurs and business owners.

Let me encourage you that if you’re stuck and dissatisfied with your work, don’t let the next few hurdles of things you need to do to make the switch hold you back. Take some time to do some research, personal reflection, and then move forward. For some, you may just need to talk to your boss about a new position at your current workplace. For others, it might be time to take the plunge and not let fear, guilt, or the opinions of others get in the way of the change you want to make.

It’s difficult and complicated to leave your job for a different opportunity. But in time, you’ll look back with thankfulness that you didn’t let those hurdles keep you from doing something new and exciting. Chances are that your life will be much richer and more fulfilling because of the changes you make today. The effects of your leaving your current job will be felt for a little while, but the benefits of a new opportunity will be felt for a long time to come.

Many entrepreneurs within Bonvera have considered leaving their jobs for our career opportunity.

At Bonvera, we know the economy is constantly changing and the traditional 9-to-5 job is on the decline. Because of this, we offer an opportunity to build your own business with us that you can build on your own time and effort. We provide “a business in a box,” and all you have to do is bring the effort and energy. It’s a great way to make supplemental income or even ditch your traditional 9-to-5 job in pursuit of more time, more financial freedom, and the lifestyle you’ve dreamt about. We’ve worked with 20,000+ entrepreneurs from all over the US the freedom to leave their traditional jobs for an opportunity to pursue their dreams.

To join and start your business today, contact your Bonvera entrepreneur. If you don’t have one, contact our customer service team at support@bonvera.com to get connected to one in your local area.

Follow Robert Dickie III on Twitter @RobertDickie and on Taking the Leap Podcast. You can tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast player.