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The Top 5 Reasons Women Make Incredible Entrepreneurs

Bonvera has some of the most women successful entrepreneurs.

Most entrepreneurs will agree that entrepreneurship is challenging, but offers many rewards; both personally and professionally. Some enjoy the independence and flexibility while others value taking control of their destiny and creating their own reality. For women, there’s proof in the pudding. Women are starting small businesses at higher rates than men according to Forbes. Here are the top five reasons why women make strong entrepreneurs.

Brandy Jarvinen is another of Bonvera's women successful entrepreneurs.

1. Leadership Qualities

Women entrepreneurs have been found to excel in leadership roles. Women ranked higher than their male counterparts on multiple elements of leadership in a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review. Women outscored men in competencies like taking initiative, building relationships and motivating others.

2. Communication Skills

Communication in business is key, and studies show women tend to have stronger communication skills than men. By opening a clear communication channel, a message is more likely to be received correctly and ensure that all parties will be satisfied with the outcome.

Photo of Dolores Martin, another successful female entrepreneur, speaking at our National Training Event in St. Louis.

3. Honesty

A study by Pew Research Center shows that women are generally more honest, especially when faced with negotiation deals and issues surrounding a business. Instead of ignoring the issue, women tend to face it head on to resolve it. Women are more likely to ask for help, which will allow their business to survive.  

4. Passion

For most women, money is not the driving factor in their careers. It’s passion. This is one of the primary characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Passion gives people the stamina needed to work hard enough to succeed. When you love what you do, you put your whole heart and spirit into it. Women are more likely to fully commit themselves to what they do. The project or business becomes part of their identity and they’ll start to live it.

5. Relationship Values

A woman’s nature allows her to consider her personal relationships much more than the success of her business. Between employees, coworkers and colleagues, studies have shown that women are more likely to make the most beneficial decision for these groups.

At Bonvera, we provide an opportunity to be an entrepreneur and have fun, make money and change lives. We strive to provide a cutting-edge technology platform, an excellent entrepreneurial education and unique, distinctive products paired with a mission to make a large, positive global impact. Bonvera is a tremendous obvious career path for women, especially since research validates that women naturally excel as entrepreneurs.

Ready to become a successful entrepreneur today and enjoy freedom, independence and the ability to create a meaningful business? Talk to your Bonvera entrepreneur today about this incredible opportunity.