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Launching a Podcast Called Taking the Leap with Robert Dickie III

Bonvera is excited to launch Taking the Leap podcast with CEO Bob Dickie.

Drumroll please….we just launched a podcast! Bonvera is proud to announce and help launch this podcast called Taking the Leap hosted by Bonvera CEO Robert Dickie III (Bob). Today, we’re sharing what the podcast is about, the first several episodes, and the vision we hope you’ll listen in on.

Why a podcast?

This has been such a fun adventure for Bob, his guests, and the Bonvera home office staff. This podcast was started because the topics, guests, thought-leaders, and principles are niche for the entrepreneur in this new part-time, gig economy. In this space, hope, vision, and confidence are needed to step out and engage in the side-hustles and opportunities available to all, young and old. With this podcast, guests and show host, Bob Dickie, encourage listeners to take the leap in their professional and personal lives and live into their potential.

Taking the Leap Podcast Manifesto

Learn how to maximize your potential in this new global economy where freelancing, taking on a side hustle, and navigating the part-time gig economy is the new norm. We think you’re ready to take the leap. Are you?

Here is Episode #4: Jeremie Kubicek — Making a Giant Impact Everywhere You Go

“The best leaders in the world gain influence because people want to be around them not have to be around them.” –Jeremie Kubicek

Jeremie Kubicek (@JeremieKubicek) is the CEO of GiANT TV, Co-Founder of GiANT, speaker, best-selling author of multiple books, husband, and father to three. Jeremie specializes in getting leaders to a higher and healthier level, which he talks about in his books The 100X Leader and 5 Voices: How to Communicate with Everyone You Lead among others. 

In this episode, Jeremie highlights and elaborates on a talk recently given to entrepreneurs from all over the United States about the differences in a dominating and liberating leader. He weaves many themes and principles from his book The 100X Leader into this discussion including the analogy of climbing Mount Everest with the help of a Sherpa. Jeremie teaches audiences what a leader should do in terms of providing support while also providing challenge, what he has learned about being a leader throughout his entrepreneurial journey, and the practices he uses to live out leadership daily.

Notes on a Dominating vs. a Liberating Leader: 

A dominating leader provides high challenge with low support.

A protecting leader provides high support with low challenge. 

A liberating leader brings empowerment and opportunity but also challenge.

Awesome quotes by Jeremie in this episode: 

“We need leaders who bring unbelievable challenge but provide support.”

“No one can do it without someone helping them along the way. To be a sherpa, I fight for them. I create support for them. And I follow up behind them to challenge them.” 

“The platinum rule is to do unto others as they’d like done unto them.” 

“Credibility and influence is a daily thing. It’s something I’m doing today.” 

“Opportunity comes when you do relational things really well.” 

“Call people up, don’t call them out.”

“My dad always told me this in my 20s. It’s not what you do, it’s who you work for.”

“Circumstances don’t dictate your behavior.”  

Links in this episode include: 

Zoom, a digital video conferencing tool

New Way MBA, Bonvera’s education platform for entrepreneurs 

GiANT TV, a digital media company for leadership information transformation

The Sherpa people, the group of people who live their lives summiting Mount Everest

Leadercast Conferences, leadership conferences Jeremie was a part of

GiANT Worldwide, a leadership transformation company 

The Prairie at Post, a modern farmhouse community real estate development 

The Change Equation, the equation needed to evaluate and implement change

Nicole Porter, a former dental hygienist who is now an incredible female entrepreneur with Bonvera

Bonvera, a vehicle for change and lifestyle in people’s lives 

Jeremie’s Bio & Experience

The 100X Leader, book available on Amazon 

Heroic Leadership, by Chris Lowney available on Amazon

5 Voices: How to Communicate with Everyone, book available on Amazon

5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time, book available on Amazon 

This episode mentions books 5 Voices: How to Communicate with Everyone You Lead by Jeremie Kubicek, The 100X Leader by Jeremie Kubicek, and Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney. A principle referenced is the Change Equation, which is as follows: Change = dissatisfaction with the status quo x your future vision x the next steps to get you there to your future vision > resistance. You can learn more about Jeremie at this link. To learn more about Bob’s two books, find them on Amazon here: The Leap and Love Your Work.

Here is Episode #3: Cody Newton – The Heart of an Entrepreneur

“As a leader, you put yourself in their position, and I think that has been an asset in my entrepreneurial journey. Just being able to feel what they’re feeling.” — Cody Newton 

Cody Newton (@newton_cody) is a leading industry professional, serial entrepreneur, Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Bonvera, franchiser, and father of 5. Cody is a self-taught, hands-on entrepreneur that has started multiple companies including Bonvera and has become a leading industry professional building teams of passionate people rooting together towards gone goal and vision. 

In this episode, Cody joins Bob to discuss the heart behind his entrepreneurial journey. They chronicle hilarious stories from Cody’s childhood that shaped his educational path and the beginning of his entrepreneurial endeavors. Along the way, Bob highlights the phenomenal speaker Cody is and what good books they’re reading. The continuous thread throughout this episode is what it takes to have the heart of an entrepreneur, to feel the pain and joy, and the heart to learn, grow, and do it even when you’re scared. With these two, there are many laughs, good stories, and sharings from the heart. 

This episode mentions books and leaders including Peter Thiel, The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams by Sam Walker, The Power of Five by John Maxwell, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People by Les Giblin. Links include Thrive Farmers Coffee, which is a unique partnership with Bonvera to provide customers and entrepreneurs exceptional coffee from Latin America. Thrive Farmers offers specialty-grade coffee hand-grown by farmers in Latin America that have grown coffee for generations. By partnering with Thrive Farmers, farmers receive 3.5X more in wages than before. This net income increase empowers farmers to then improve access to other needs for a thriving life, including healthcare, education, clean water and more. You can learn more about Cody at this link.

Here is Episode #2: Tim Jarvinen – Taking The Field as an Athlete and Entrepreneur

“Anybody can be what they want to be if they’re willing to put in their 10,000 proverbial hours.” — Tim Jarvinen

Tim Jarvinen is a Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Bonvera, an all-star football and basketball athlete, Delphi automotive engineer, and an industry professional at Bonvera. In this episode, Tim joins Bob to rehash what it was like to be an engineer dreaming of a day where he had more time, more money, and more time with his family of six. 

Tim reflects on lessons he learned as a football and basketball athlete and how they carried over into lessons he learned as an entrepreneur. His wife, Brandy, joins him later in the episode to talk about what it was like to set out to build a business together as a couple and team. They share sacrifices, goals, and teachings they carry out in order to do it well, embracing that entrepreneurship is a family affair. It’s something they can do together with their kids.

This episode mentions books including Real World MBA by Jack Welsh. Links include Tim and Brandy Jarvinen’s Leadership Profile which can be found at http://bonvera.rocks/bonvera-profiles-in-leadership-tim-brandy-jarvinen/

Here is Episode #1: Casey Roths – Starting Your Career and This Podcast with a Millennial

“It’s so important to us that we connect what we’re doing with what matters to us and what we’re passionate about. We want more. We want to do something we love and enjoy but also resonates deeply with us.” –Casey Roths 

Casey Roths is a millennial career gal, recent University of Tennessee Knoxville college graduate, and Manager of Marketing Operations at Bonvera, a network marketing start-up in Knoxville, Tennessee. In this episode, Casey joins Bob to set the stage for the podcast. In this episode, Casey asks Bob why he wanted to do a podcast, what he’s most excited about, and what content to expect in this podcast. 

Along the way, they discuss what it’s like to be a millennial in this new age economy, what’s important to millennials, and how their values impact their decisions when beginning their career journeys.

They land the episode on the hope this podcast offers to those later on in their career and the bridge that connects these two generations. 

This episode mentions books Windows of the Soul by Ken Gire, Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller, and At Home in the World by Tsh Oxenreider. Links include following these podcast episodes at https://bonvera.rocks and www.takingtheleappodcast.com. Keep up with this podcast via social media on Facebook (@BonveraUS), Instagram (@bonvera_us), Twitter (@bonvera_us), and LinkedIn (Bonvera). 

These are the first few episodes on the Taking the Leap podcast with Bob Dickie. You can find this podcast on Apple iTunes/Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and at www.takingtheleappodcast.com. We encourage you to subscribe to the show, rate it, and leave a review. Additionally, if you have any questions, rave reviews, or people you think we should interview, email us at podcast@bonvera.com!

Taking the Leap podcast is designed to help you take your leap, whatever that might be. Whether you’re looking to get in better shape, start your own business, get involved in a community, become a better leader, step up and into opportunities, or take on a side hustle, we’re here rooting for you to take your leap. We believe in the best version of you.

Follow Robert Dickie III on Twitter @RobertDickie and on Taking the Leap Podcast. You can tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast player.