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A Typical Day in the Life of a #bonveraentrepreneur

entrepreneur lifestyle

We talk a lot about the Bonvera lifestyle. We talk about freedom and living an abundant, fulfilling life. But you might be asking yourself, what does that look like? Here’s an inside look at the typical day in the life of a #bonveraentrepreneur to really unpack what the #bonveralifestyle is.

Slow mornings. Who likes setting an alarm, waking up early, and starting the morning in a rush? Answer: no one. With the perks of being your own boss and managing your own business, you can define your morning time. Want a slow morning with no alarm clock? Breakfast and coffee in bed. Yes, many of our entrepreneurs say this is when they take intentional time with their spouse and family to enjoy time together and connect.

Family time. Want to attend your daughter’s recital at 3 pm on a Tuesday? You can. Ready to coach your son’s little league team every Monday night? You can. Have an aging parent that needs daily care and assistance? With Bonvera, you can. The perks of the #bonveralifestyle mean you can manage your time the way you’d like, and you can carve out family time in what other’s would consider their “typical work week.”

Teamwork. Every Bonvera entrepreneur that has made this business in a box system a lifestyle will tell you that they spend a majority of their time in their day-to-day business operations encouraging their team, checking in on orders and subscriptions, connecting with new folks interested, and game planning together to reach their goals and the team’s goals. This takes significant time everyday, but it’s a part of the lifestyle and culture of this business.

Late nights. Many Bonvera entrepreneurs who have hit record sales and goals have started leading teams of significant numbers. This means that they’re out building their own business and their teammate’s business. They spend late nights on the phone, on Zoom calls, at meetings and intros, at events, and so much more. Living the Bonvera lifestyle means that you get slow mornings, but it also means that you have late nights hustlin’!

If you’re ready to learn more and start living this #bonveralifestyle as a #bonveraentrepreneur, now’s the time and we’d love to have you join us. https://bonverahq.com/become-a-bonvera-entrepreneur/