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A Personal Experience with the Phyzix MD Cleanse

Discover how the Phyzix MD Cleanse can detox and help your body.

There are many different cleanses in the market, so it can be difficult to determine which one is effective and will actually work. A great place to start is by reviewing testimonials: real people who have tried the cleanse and experienced it from start to finish. At Bonvera, we stand behind our products and like people to share their thoughts and experience. Sarah Merrell, who tried the Phyzix MD Cleanse for 10 days, shares her insights on what it was like and the results:

Why I Tried the Cleanse

I’ll be honest—I have a sugar tooth, and I suppose you could say I have a pizza tooth as well. It’s hard for me to resist walking by Pearl Bakery every day on my way into work without stopping to get an almond croissant covered in powdered sugar. While the food I was eating certainly tasted good, I felt lethargic, was having trouble waking up, my stomach hurt sometimes and I was putting on weight. I would be so tired by the time I got off work that I didn’t want to work out. After learning about the Phyzix MD Cleanse, I thought it looked like a good way to jump start better nutrition and hopefully get back into a fitness routine too. The Cleanse seemed manageable to me because you don’t starve yourself. In addition to the protein smoothies you drink and supplements, you can eat nutritious foods like chicken, fish, nuts, quinoa, brown rice and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

How It Worked

In the morning, I would wake up and make a smoothie. My favorite smoothie to make was with the Phyzix MD Dutch Chocolate Protein Powder with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a spoonful of almond butter. It actually tasted good! With the smoothie, there are supplements to take like the Phyzix MD Probiotic Max and Optimizer Plus. I would pack healthy snacks with me like baby carrots and hummus, nuts or a banana and almond butter. For lunch, I would usually eat a salad. I found there are a lot of ways to make delicious salads that didn’t leave me hungry. Then for dinner, I would do another smoothie with either grilled salmon or chicken with quinoa and sautéed vegetables or a spinach salad. Basically, I cut out sugar, wheat, dairy, processed foods, coffee and alcohol.

You may be wondering why the Phyzix Cleanse is structured this way. It’s because Dr. Jeff Davis, who developed the products alongside Bonvera, understood the need for a science-backed cleanse that will support and boost the liver and body’s natural detoxification process. Over the 10-day to two-week period you do the cleanse, you also start working towards a more healthy, balanced diet. This is why the cleanse is a great path towards improved nutrition.

What It Was Like

The first couple days weren’t easy. I missed my morning croissants from Pearl and the sugar-packed mocha lattes I used to drink. Also, after a particularly long day, it was hard to resist a glass of wine. I also had mild headaches at first, likely due to withdrawal from all the coffee I had been drinking. However, after the third day, I started to feel much better. I was less tired and it was easier for me to wake up in the morning. The headaches went away, and so did the cravings for bread and sugar. My digestion also improved and the stomach aches I experienced sometimes after meals disappeared. I found that after work I looked forward to going to the gym and working out instead of dreading it.

What Happens After the Cleanse

I’m on day 10 of the cleanse today, which is the last day for me, but surprisingly, I’m not ready to be done! I’ve felt so much better physically that I want to keep it up. That being said, I do look forward to having a glass of wine over the weekend. But, I don’t have a desire to eat sugary, carb-loaded foods. I’ve grown to enjoy eating healthy.

Did I Lose Weight?

Although it wasn’t the primary purpose of the cleanse, I did lose weight and felt (and continue to feel) less bloated. This is significant because even though some of it may have been water weight, what I was really losing was inflammation. Inflammation can be linked to diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Also, by detoxifying the body and eating a healthy, balanced diet, I can better optimize weight loss.

Sarah and her husband sharing their cleanse experience testimonial.
My husband and I actually ran a 10K after the cleanse, and I felt great and had a personal best for my time!

Advice for Those Trying the Phyzix MD Cleanse

  • Get a good blender: When blending fruits, vegetables and ice, a powerful blender is needed. I use the Nutri Ninja Pro Blender, but there are many blender options out there.
  • Stock up on healthy food: It really helps to always have healthy food on hand in your purse or bag. By doing so, you won’t be tempted to cheat on the cleanse with unhealthy, processed foods.
  • Replace wine or beer with sparkling fruit-infused water: When I craved a glass of wine, having something to sip on other than just filtered tap water really helped. When at restaurants with friends, instead of ordering a cocktail I ordered soda water with lime. It made me feel like I was having a cocktail without the alcohol.

To purchase the Phyzix MD Cleanse, contact your Bonvera entrepreneur. If you don’t yet have a Bonvera associate, contact customer service by emailing support@bonvera.com or calling (316) 260-2225.